We have a breakthrough innovation that will be vital for 6G smart phones
6G RF Front End Solutions are currently bulky
6G mobile phones will need to operate at a wide variety of frequency bands. Traditionally this means that the RF front end needs a set of different, discrete capacitors on a PCB. This is a bulky solution as many capacitors are needed along with a separate control chip made using Silicon On Insulator (SOI) technology.
Much smaller, fully integrated equivalent on a single chip solution
We have used our patented, silicon-proven technology of building MEMS structures using standard CMOS technologies to create digitally tunable, MEMS capacitors within the CMOS layers. These nanoscale capacitors are embedded into the same chip as the control circuitry to give a much smaller, single chip solution than the SOI approach of discrete components on a PCB and with much better performance.
Our solution for 6 G front end
The 5G RF front end needs to be redesigned for the challenges of many more and higher frequencies needed by 6G mobile phones. Thanks to our embedded capacitors, we are the only company with an ultra-compact solution that meets the needs of the RF front end of 6G mobile phones.
- Much smaller than SOI PCB solution
- Much better performance than SOI
- State of the art linearity
Better user experience - High volume production in any standard CMOS fab
Highly robust and reliable - Much better solution for the higher frequencies of 6G
Better user experience
- Linearity is a vital metric and our RF DTCs (Digital Tunable Capacitors) match the linearity of the best rival solutions on SOI.
- Our tests on these capacitors for 5G show that they can deliver 30% better talk times as this solution is more efficient.
Virtually unlimited production volumes
- Our monolithic chip can be mass produced in virtually unlimited volumes in any CMOS fab to meet the huge demand for use in 6G phones.
- And take advantage of the low production costs of these massive fabs.
Robust and reliable
- Our extensive testing shows our RF DTCs to be very reliable and we have tested them to four billion cycles with no degradation.
- And robust -- we have also tested for shock, vibration, thermal cycling, MSL 0 and HTS.

Project in Public-private partnership
CPP2021-008575 – Development of a new antenna tuner using several RF-MEMS switching devices on a low resistivity CMOS substrate to be used in 5G cell phones.
Nowadays, with the arrival of 5G technology, the complexity in the design of the radio frequency (RF) stages in smartphones does not stop increasing, and this makes it difficult for the phone manufacturers to comply with the demanding requirements of this new technology. As a consequence, the increased number of antennas and frequency bands in smartpones, it has become complex to keep a high antenna efficiency under all the use cases and frequency requirements.
In front of this emerging technological need, Nanusens aims to develop RF MEMS (Radio Frequency MicroElectroMechanical Systems) capacitive switches, which can be used at frequencies above 6GHz, and which show superior linearity compared to the solid state technologies used today, in addition to lower loasses and a smaller size (nanometric scale).
In addition to this, the company has integrated the development of this new switches in low resistivity substrate CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor), reducing the manufacturing cost and enabling their production in high volume suitable for the consumer market, increasing their competitivenes with respect to current solutions.
Therefore, the main target of this project is to develop a new antenna microtuner by means of integrating several RF-MEMS capacitive microswitches built in a low resisitivity CMOS substrate to facilitate the deployment of smartphone 5G technology and the development of 6G technology.
In order to develop this project, Nanusens will lead a consortium in which Eurecat will participate, which is the main Technological Centre in Catalonia (and a member of Tecnio). Its contribution will be centered around the numeric simulation of the manufacturing process for RF-MEMS devices in CMOS substrate, a World wide pioneer tool.
Proyecto en colaboración público-privada
CPP2021-008575 – Desarrollo de un nuevo sintonizador de antena mediante la integración de diferentes dispositivos conmutadores RF-MEMS en sustrato CMOS de baja resistividad para su implementación en la tecnología 5G en telefonía móvil.
Actualmente, con la llegada de la tecnología 5G, la complejidad en el diseño de las etapas de radio frecuencia (RF) de los smartphones no cesa de aumentar, lo que dificulta que los fabricantes puedan cumplir con el riguroso rendimiento exigido por esta nueva tecnología. Como consecuencia de la presencia de un mayor número de antenas y la admisión de un mayor número de bandas de frecuencia en los smartphones, mantener el rendimiento de las antenas en todas las condiciones de uso y requisitos de las frecuencias resulta complicado.
Frente a esta necesidad tecnológica emergente, Nanusens ha desarrollado unos microconmutadores capacitivos RF-MEMS (Radio Frequency MicroElectroMechanical Systems), los cuales permiten operar en bandas de frecuencia por encima de los 6GHz, y presentan una linealidad superior en comparación con las tecnologías de estado sólido actualmente disponibles, así como menores pérdidas y menor tamaño (escala nanométrica).
Además, la empresa ha integrado el desarrollo de estos nuevos conmutadores en CMOS (Complementary metaloxidesemiconductor) de baja resistividad, reduciendo el coste de fabricación y habilitando su producción en volumen para el mercado de consumo, aumentando su competitividad respecto de las soluciones actuales.
Así, el objetivo principal del presente proyecto es desarrollar un nuevo microsintonizador de antena mediante la integración de diferentes dispositivos microconmutadores capacitivos RF-MEMS en sustrato CMOS de baja resistividad para facilitar la implantación de la tecnología 5G y el desarrollo de la tecnología 6G para la telefonía móvil.
Para el desarrollo del proyecto, Nanusens liderará un consorcio en el que participará Eurecat, principal Centro Tecnológico de Cataluña (miembro de Tecnio). Su participación se centra en el desarrollo de la simulación numérica del proceso de fabricación de dispositivos RF-MEMS en sustrato CMOS, herramienta pionera a nivel mundial.