We make nano-scale structures within the layers of a CMOS chip using
standard processes in CMOS fabs. The resulting MEMS sensors or MEMS
capacitors and the required control circuitry form single chip solutions
are significantly smaller than their current, multi-component
MEMS Sensors — Many different sensors can be built into the same tiny chip to enhance the user experience and differentiate products without taking up more space. The freed-up space can be used for larger batteries for longer operational life battery or additional features. Its expertise and pending patents place it as the uncontested leader in this technology that will revolutionise the next generation of sensors. They are so small that they are actually nanosensors or NEMS.
MEMS Capacitors – Instead of needing a set of discrete capacitors on a PCB for the RF front end of 6G mobile phones, we can integrate our digitally tunable MEMS capacitors within the CMOS layers to form a single chip solution. These RF Digital Tunable Capacitors (DTCs) are ultra-compact and are exactly what the manufacturers of 6G mobile phones require to deliver optimal user experience.
Key features
Nanusens has a breakthrough technology, that enables sensor data to be gathered in a completely new way, that will revolutionise, mass deployment of AIoT, as it slashes the costs and size of sensors to almost nothing.
- Ultra small
Our nanoscale sensor structures are up to ten times smaller.
Current MEMS structures have feature sizes of one micron or larger while our NEMS (Nano Electro Mechanical Systems) structures have features of 0.3 microns or less. This is a 10x area reduction.
- Save space
A typical MEMS sensor package needs two chips – one with the MEMS structure built on it and the second with the control electronics, resulting in a package of 4mm3. Our equivalent NEMS sensor package has everything on one chip and is only 1mm3 so we free up 3mm3 for every sensor that we replace with one of ours.
- Multi-sensor solutions
Additional NEMS sensor structures can be added to the same chip with hardly any increase in size. In the example shown of two motion sensor structures, they only take up about 10% of the chip. Additional sensor structures would be similar in size and most of the control electronics is shared, hence a multi-sensor solution is only slightly larger.
- No one else can make sensors so small as we do
A typical MEMS sensor package needs two chips – one with the MEMS structure built on it and the second with the control electronics, resulting in a package of 4mm3. Our equivalent NEMS sensor package has everything on one chip and is only 1mm3 so we free up 3mm3 for every sensor that we replace with one of ours.
- Patent Portfolio
CMOS was never designed for this and the released metal structures suffer from stress and distort. We have solved this with unique structure designs that we have created for the various sensor types that we do. We are protecting these designs with comprehensive patents to secure our position as the only company with NEMS-within-CMOS.
- Unlimited production volumes
Our disruptive technology will revolutionise this multi-billion-dollar sensor market by removing the barrier to high volume production as we can use any CMOS fab. We can enjoy the cost-saving benefits of CMOS shrinking to smaller nodes.
We bring real solutions to each client’s problems through a deep understanding of their market, solution, and vision.
MEMS capacitors within the CMOS layers
MEMS capacitors within the CMOS layers
The 5G RF front end needs to be redesigned for the challenges of many more and higher frequencies required by 6G mobile phones. Thanks to our embedded RF Digitally Tunable Capacitors (DTCs), we are the only company with an ultra-compact solution that meets the needs of the RF front end of 6G mobile phones.
Our nanoscale capacitors are embedded into the same chip as the control circuitry to give a much smaller, single chip solution than the SOI approach of discrete components on a PCB and with much better performance.
Sensors as IP
We can provide our sensors as IP to integrate directly into ASIC floor plans using standard EDA tools.
Smart devices can be made smarter by adding more sensors with virtually no costs or size penalty as MEMS sensors embedded in ASICs.
Now create ultra-small and ultra-low cost, multi-sensor IoT devices to gather masses of data for next generation AI.